Lazy Keto Meals and Lazy Keto Food List


Welcome! I’m here to show you how easy it is to follow Lazy Keto and get started on the right track. Let’s go over what lazy keto is, then we’ll dive into the pros and cons of this way of eating and how to prepare lazy keto meals.Let’s explore the lazy keto diet.

What is lazy keto?

If you’re new to the concept of lazy keto and need more info on lazy keto meals, than read on to find out what lazy keto is in detail.

Lazy keto is a way of eating that doesn’t require a lot of time or effort, allows for flexibility and indulgences, is sustainable and not restrictive, and is forgiving if you make mistakes.

Lazy keto isn’t a diet. It’s a lifestyle, and it’s not about perfection. It’s about making the best choices in the moment, with your health and weight loss goals in mind.

You don’t have to be perfect all week long; just good enough. As long as you’re focused on eating whole foods that are unprocessed or minimally processed and low in sugar, protein-rich, high in healthy fats like coconut oil or avocado oil mayonnaise instead of store-bought mayo with vegetable oils; grass-fed beef instead of grain fed beef; wild salmon instead of farmed salmon—you’ll find yourself making great lazy keto meals and a huge step toward better health!

Don’t let the fear of being imperfect hold you back. Just do your best and don’t beat yourself up when you miss a meal or make poor food choices (or drink too many beers). You can start over again tomorrow!

How To Do Lazy Keto in a Nutshell.

Lazy Keto is all about getting the best of both worlds, whether you’re trying to lose weight or just want to eat healthier. You can make Lazy Keto meals by using low carb and high fat ingredients without worrying about losing weight. Just make sure that your meals are healthy and delicious!

In short:

  1. Eat fewer carbs (less than 50 grams per day)
  2. Eat lots of fat to feel full and avoid cravings for sweets/carbs
  3. Drink lots of water or unsweetened tea or coffee

Lazy Keto Breakfast.

When you’ve got a busy morning ahead of you, it might seem like there’s no time for breakfast. And if you’re not careful, this can lead to eating a carb-heavy meal and undoing all the hard work your putting in.

To avoid this pitfall, try these lazy keto breakfast ideas that are easy enough to whip up in advance and quickly consume when the alarm goes off:

  • Scrambled eggs
  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • Last night’s leftovers
  • Bulletproof coffee (made with MCT oil)

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Lazy Keto Food List.

A Lazy Keto Food List is just like regular keto and includes:

  • Nuts                                                                      Almond Meal                                                     Peanut Butter
  • Dark Chocolate                                                 Mayonnaise                                                       Sesame Oil
  • Tuna                                                                      Chicken                                                                Grass Fed Beef
  • Bacon                                                                    Spinach & Baby Spinach                                Mushrooms
  • Lettuce                                                                 Broccoli                                                                Cauliflower
  • Celery                                                                   Green Beans                                                      Peas
  • Avocado                                                              Tomatoes                                                            Green Onions    
  • Black Olives                                                        Lemons & Limes                                              Coconut Oil
  • Olive Oil                                                               Butter                                                                   Ghee Butter
  • Cheddar Cheese                                               Mozzarella                                                          Heavy Cream

Not a complete list but enough to get started.

MCT Wellness.

With MCT wellness, you can start your day with a cup of coffee and still be in ketosis. It contains healthy fats from coconut oil that promote weight loss and help maintain muscle mass. The caffeine will boost your energy levels so you can push through even the toughest workouts. It’s also a great way to get the nutrients you need after fasting all night without having to eat anything!

Some people say it helps them focus better throughout the day, especially when they’re working on projects or doing tasks that require attention to detail. With MCT wellness, they don’t have to worry about getting hungry or feeling sluggish because it gives them just enough energy without causing any side effects like crashing later in the day

Does Bulletproof Coffee Break A Fast?

You may have heard of bulletproof coffee. Bulletproof coffee is a type of coffee that has been blended with unsalted grassfed butter and medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil, which are both keto friendly ingredients.

This drink is meant to provide you with energy and mental clarity while you go about your day, as well as keep hunger at bay.

However, there are mixed reviews on whether bulletproof coffee breaks a fast or not. Some people say yes it does and others say no it doesn’t since you are drinking fat in the form of butter and MCT oil which slows digestion down giving similar effects as eating real food would have done before going into a fasted state. 

I hope this article has helped you get a better idea of what lazy keto is, and how it can be used to improve your health. Remember that the most important thing is to follow the diet that works best for your body!